From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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Link up the one-pager: Part 1

Link up the one-pager: Part 1

- [Instructor] All right, so now we're at one of my favorite points of building out a model like this, which is linking to a one-page summary, because we've already done all the hard work on our operating model, and now we just need to present the results. And so this is the 30,000, or 50,000-foot view that everybody talks about. For this course, I actually pre-made the one-pager, but of course you would customize it as your team wanted it to be, and then you could make as many new summaries as you wanted. So there is an attachment that comes with this video. I'm going to show you that really quick. So right here, alongside this video, 08_02, the SummaryCopyPaste, this is a sample one-pager that I've put together, that we're going to send to the CFO for this course. But like I said, you would modify it as needed. So here's how you bring it into the model that we're working on. So open this file up, you're going to…
