From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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Indenting and cleanup

Indenting and cleanup

- [Instructor] Okay, so let's just do a little bit more formatting and final cleanup before we move on to the financial modeling exercise. And you might be saying to yourself, "This feels like a lot of formatting," and you know what? You are right. But one of the things that I learned early in my career is that formatting matters more than you think. And specifically when it comes to Excel, formatting and design. Like we've talked about files are very error-prone, and so the better that we can build the structure up front, the better we will be in the long run, even if it means a little bit more overkill of formatting early on. So, with that said, let's just go ahead and clean this up a little bit. We're going to narrow this column, we're going to do Alt H, O, W, all just make it to just to kind of clean this up a little. Let's expand this column, Alt H, O, I, so we can read it. And then let's bring our headers across…
