From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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How to lay the fixed assets schedule

How to lay the fixed assets schedule

- [Instructor] Alright, so now we're back in the model and let's start building out our fixed asset schedule. We're going to be building another support schedule down here at the bottom, and the fixed assets actually comes with a handful of different support schedules so it's a little bit more complicated. But that said, let's just leverage the work that we've done. I'm going to paste this down here. This will be CapEx and depreciation because we have to forecast the capital spend and the depreciation of those assets. But the nice thing is we will leverage some of the corkscrew modeling. So let's paste that here. The increase would be the CapEx or the capital expenditures and then the decrease is going to be the depreciation. So I hope that makes sense, right? The cash goes out today to build the asset and the depreciation chips away at it over time. And then we've got our ending balance and this is going to link through to…
