From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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Epilogue: Real-life application of the model

Epilogue: Real-life application of the model

- [Speaker 1] Alright, so in this final video this is kind of a post-game video. I just want to talk about what can you do with this financial model in real life now that you've completed the course? And so my advice to you would be, let's use this as a template going forward, or like a cheat sheet for any other financial model that you might put together. And what we've built holistically is a vertical model that's got the Income Statement at the very top, followed by the Balance Sheet down here, and then the Statement of Cash Flow. So we've got our primary three statements, and then everything else below that is some kind of support schedule that feeds into either the Income Statement or the Balance Sheet. And so that's the modeling technique I think you want to take away from here. You've got the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet to be modeled. Everything else supports and links up to that in some way, shape, or…
