From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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Calculating year-over-year growth

Calculating year-over-year growth

- [Instructor] Okay, so now let's take this one step further. We've aggregated our data on an annual basis, which is great, but we don't have much analysis. We need to know the change in periods, especially as it relates to building out our forecast. Please calculate, please calculate. So let's go ahead and lay that out now. Again, the beauty of vertical modeling, let's just grab our columns. We're going to grab four columns here, not five, because we can't compare 2026 to 2025 'cause we don't have it. Nonetheless, we can grab the columns and just change a few things around. So we've got four columns here, Ctrl C. Let's go over to where we've got some blank space. Highlight our column with Ctrl Space Bar. Go over four more columns, then Ctrl V. All I'm going to be doing here is changing the header, 'cause this is now year over year growth. We're working on analysis now that we have the aggregation. So the first…
