From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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Build the change in cash and ending cash

Build the change in cash and ending cash

- [Instructor] Okay, so now let's bring it all together and see if we tie out to our balance sheet. The final section is just the change in cash. Let's go ahead and model that. The first part is the beginning cash because we had something at the very beginning, then we have our change in cash which is the work that we just did above, and then we have our ending cash. Let's just grab a border here, and you can see I like to do the borders first just so I know where I'm headed. I view this as a subcomponent, Alt H 6. Again, you don't have to do this, but it makes everything visually a little bit easier to follow. So let's think about this. What is our ending cash as of January? Well, I have that sitting on the balance sheet and it's right up here at the top because the balance sheet denotes any given period at a point in time, and this is the ending balance as of 1/31. So I'm going to copy this and bring it down…
