From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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Build the cash from investing

Build the cash from investing

- [Instructor] Okay, so now in this video, we're going to build part two of the cashflow statement, which is our cash from investing. Just going to copy this, CTRL C, paste it here, CTRL V, F2 to open this up, cash from investing. What we're going to be calculating here is the difference for any non-current assets. So typically, that's going to be fixed assets or capital expense. It would also be for goodwill in an acquisition, but there's no acquisition in this course. And so I can copy my Change in formula, which is nice, right? Control C, press Control V down here, hit F2 and just see what it's referencing. We're going to be calculating the change in the fixed assets. I happen to notice here that it says net, which means this fixed asset account in particular includes any new capital spend, but it also strips out depreciation. So our formula has to be just a little bit unique to strip out the depreciation…
