From the course: Excel for Finance: Building a Three-Statement Operating Model

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Build the cash from financing

Build the cash from financing

- [Instructor] Okay, so let's go ahead and build out the final section, which is our cash from financing. I'm just going to copy this and then paste it here. Open this up. Cash from financing. And I'm going to break this into two sections, the cash from debt financing and cash from equity financing. And you will see why a little bit later in the course. But what we need to include is our revolver and the term debt, right? That is our debt, as well as the equity, the contributed capital, and the distributions. We don't need to include retained earnings because the change in the retained earnings is simply the net income, which we've already captured here, right? Just to show you really quick, this minus this equals the 252,593 that we've already captured here in our operating section. So I'm going to delete that. Let's go down and build this out. So, subsections, right? The first is going to be the cash from debt…
