From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

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Steal an identity

Steal an identity

- [Voiceover] Your personal information is a valuable commodity. As a result, you should take steps to protect your financial and online identity. Scammers and hackers have many tricks in order to obtain information and steal an identity. Once someone has stolen information on an individual, many events can take place. The outcome will depend on what the thief stole. Be aware of some of the signs of identity theft. A compromised credit card will have bogus charges on that card. A stolen social security number can result in the thief filing a tax return in your name and getting your refund. An illegal immigrant has used the social security number to get a job. In that case, the IRS might notify you that you have reported income from an unknown employer. Or they have received more than one tax return in your name. Or you're receiving calls from debt collectors about unknown debts. Be aware of some of the signs of medical identity theft. This is also a serious issue. Some signs include…
