From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

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Skills of a social engineer

Skills of a social engineer

- [Voiceover] Social Engineering can involve direct interaction with the victim or use technology. Either way, social engineers must have a variety of skills and tools that are used in order to obtain information. The key is knowing which method will work on the victim. Although there are different methods, the social engineer, many times will use Pretexting which is lying in order to obtain information. The social engineer will use different approaches depending on a situation and the victim. With a direct approach the social engineer simply asks the target for the information. Most likely the social engineer may have taken the time to build a relationship with the victim, and then rehearsed possible arguments for his or her case in order to get the victim to act. With an indirect approach, the social engineer will concoct a believable story. They will try to trigger a reaction such as excitement or fear to fuel the con. They may try impersonation of someone who needs help in another…
