From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

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Recognize an attack

Recognize an attack

- [Voiceover] A trust relationship is important when conducting a social engineering attack. Someone with the appearance of a uniform has an easier chance of gaining access. Obtaining an official shirt from a local utility company is not difficult. Anyone can purchase a uniform online for a reasonable price. In this scenario, we see two different outcomes. - Hi, welcome to Connetico. - Hi, my name's Carl. I'm here with the cable company, here to check a possible network node issue. - Oh, where is it? - It says here it's in the server room. - Okay, let me get Ricky, our intern, to let you in. - Great. Thank you. - Hey, Ricky, there's a guy here who needs to be let in to the server room. Okay. Great. You can head into the back and wait for him. - Great. Thank you so much. - [Woman] You're welcome. - [Voiceover] Many times, employees are not being trained to challenge or question strangers. In this case, the receptionist offered the hacker assistance and Ricky might even hold the door…
