From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

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- [Lisa] Thank you for watching Ethical Hacking, Social Engineering. I've covered an overview of social engineering. I've reviewed concepts such as how the attackers visualize the victim, what skills are necessary to become a social engineer, and how to recognize an attack. I've discussed some methods including using charm, power, and influence, how hackers use browsers, mobile based, and social media to launch an attack. I cautioned on how social engineers exploit our trusting nature. In addition, I cautioned as to why you should be wary of the disgruntled employee, insider attacks, and identity theft. I covered the importance of conducting penetration testing for social engineering using email, websites, in person, and on the phone and an overview of the social engineering toolkit. If you're interested in learning more, please check out the other courses in our library. New courses are added every day. If you're…
