From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

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Disgruntled employees

Disgruntled employees

- [Voiceover] An employee becomes disgruntled for a variety of reasons. Once the rising star in an organization, he or she may have lost favor over the years by not keeping up with today's trends. - Hey, did you see that Bob got the direct marketing manager position? - Yeah? He's the new guy, right? - Yeah, he's been here for like four months. - Wow, climbing the corporate ladder two steps at a time. - Yeah, indeed. - [Voiceover] Although they may have been a hard worker, they may have been unappreciated, overworked, underpaid, or passed up for a promotion. Companies spend a great deal of money focusing on external attacks, yet fail to see the potential threat inside the organization. (phone ringing) - Hello. - Yeah, hi, this is Eli calling from Litho Print. Is this the direct marketing manager? - What do you need? - Great, yeah, we're running your next postcard campaign and I need your client list. - [Voiceover] A company may consider a client list a trade secret, therefore kept out…
