From the course: Ethical Hacking: Social Engineering

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Deploying mobile-based attacks

Deploying mobile-based attacks

- [Instructor] Over the last 10 years, we've seen a continued massive growth of cyber crime. One reason for the expanded growth is because of advances in mobile technology. We can see here in this graph, as it represents in 2010, 1 billion desktop users accessing the internet. Fast forward to 2020, we see a projection of 10 billion mobile users accessing the internet. Mobile internet is used on a number of different devices. We see them on smartphones, iPads, car electronics, Kindles, gaming, and even home appliances. Social engineers know that consumers are using mobile apps to access the internet on an average of four-and-a-half hours a day. Instant access and always-on technology opens the risk for malicious activity. As a result, there are many ploys to get consumers to click on a link and download malware. Those ploys might include sending a user a message to click on a link that has a funny video, dial a…
