From the course: Electronics Foundations: Basic Circuits

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Capacitor characteristics

Capacitor characteristics

- [Instructor] In addition to capacitance, there are several important characteristics to consider when selecting capacitors for a circuit. One of the most important considerations is the voltage rating that a capacitor can handle. Capacitors are rated for the maximum amount of voltage that can be applied across their terminals. These voltage ratings commonly range from just a few volts up to several hundred volts. And if you apply too much voltage and exceed the rating of a capacitor, it can be destroyed. The voltage rating for electrolytic capacitors is usually easy to find 'cause it's printed on the side of the package. But when you're using ceramic capacitors, you'll need to refer to the components data sheet for that information. As a rule of thumb, I choose capacitors that are rated to handle at least twice as much voltage as I expect them to ever experience within my circuit. For example, if I was going to use a…
