From the course: Dynamic Application Security Testing

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Web app proxies

Web app proxies

- [Instructor] By intercepting traffic between the client and the web application servers, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your backend server side controls. This is where web application proxies come into play. A proxy is some component, usually a piece of software, that sits between your client system and any of the web applications that client talks to. All requests sent from the client to the app and all the responses sent back from the app to the client are there in the proxy for you to inspect and manipulate as part of your security testing. A web application proxy has been essential to every, and I mean every web application security assessment that I've ever worked on. I have a hunch you've heard the term, man in the middle attack or adversary in the middle attack at some point in your career. Proxies are a core component in this scenario. An attacker might use a proxy to spy on traffic, looking for sensitive…
