From the course: Dynamic Application Security Testing

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Purple teaming

Purple teaming

- [Instructor] As a web application penetration tester. you'll often find yourself in a red versus blue scenario. You're on the Red Team attacking the application while the defenders on the Blue Team try to detect your attacks and shut them down. Now, this traditional model of pen testing is okay, but there's a much, much better way to go about it. Instead of making it a red versus blue scenario, have the attackers work side-by-side with the defenders during a web app pen test, sharing all their tips and tricks with one another. This approach is known as purple teaming. In order to have a successful purple team engagement though, you need to make sure you've got the right skills represented. Red Teamers are your breakers. They're the folks who look at a web app and wonder how they can bypass the controls, how they can make it do something it's not supposed to do. Red Teamers aren't just willing to break security controls…
