From the course: Dynamic Application Security Testing

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OWASP Testing Guide

OWASP Testing Guide

- [Instructor] I referenced the OWASP Web Security Testing Guide multiple times throughout both this course and the static application security testing course. Why? Because it's that good. That's why. I've worked as a web application pen tester for years. When I started out, I was on the hunt for a way to organize and conduct my test in a way that ensured I was covering as much as I could within the timeframe allotted to each engagement. Enter the OWASP Web Security Testing Guide. One look at this guide, and I had 80% of what I needed. I cannot convey how much time this saved in my research, or how much value this brought to each engagement. The best part, the test that a pen tester is likely to conduct are the same security tests that you should be building into your QA process. Two birds, one stone. As I mentioned in my static application security testing class, OWASP group's related resources in projects and they…
