From the course: Dynamic Application Security Testing

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A9: Security Logging and monitoring failures

A9: Security Logging and monitoring failures - Burp Suite Tutorial

From the course: Dynamic Application Security Testing

A9: Security Logging and monitoring failures

- [Instructor] The ninth set of risks in the OWASP top 10 list are Security Logging and Monitoring Failures. As developers are building out their applications, their initial focus is on just getting everything to work as expected by the go live date. If you are fortunate enough to be working with the dev team who is considering the long-term support and operation of the app, then chances are they've built in some basic logging functionality to help them troubleshoot the app after it goes live. But what about security logs? If your developers don't have security training and if security logging requirements aren't built into the project, then chances are the security logging and monitoring controls will be deficient at best and entirely absent at worst. As OWASP points out, this is exactly what attackers are hoping for. If they can poke and prod at your apps without setting off any alarms, then they're more likely…
