From the course: Dynamic Application Security Testing

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A5: Security misconfiguration

A5: Security misconfiguration

- [Instructor] The fifth set of risks in the OWASP top 10 are security misconfiguration flaws. Simply put, this category of web application risks is all about insecure or default configurations. Securing a web app requires much more than just knowing how to securely code that application. It also requires knowledge of how to securely deploy and maintain both the application and the application infrastructure. You've probably seen news stories on one of the multiple data breaches related to open cloud storage weaknesses. Apps that are configured to use cloud storage need to take into consideration how they're going to manage access to that storage. While verbose error messages are great for troubleshooting, they're also great for attackers who are profiling your apps. If an attacker can force an application to spit out an error message that contains a stack trace, or details about a web server in the internal network, then…
