From the course: Driving Measurable, Sustainable Change

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Using metrics to drive sustainable change

Using metrics to drive sustainable change

From the course: Driving Measurable, Sustainable Change

Using metrics to drive sustainable change

- People tend to behave based on how they're measured, monitored and evaluated. For example, if customer service reps in a call center are evaluated based only on average handling time, or AHT, then there's every reason for these reps to complete every call quickly. Now this sounds great, but there is a risk that they will complete these calls with little regard for quality, or they might short-change in addressing the customer's request. This is the risk you take when you don't use the right set of metrics. Metrics, or performance measures, aren't just important for daily operations. They are even more important when change is being implemented. The right set of metrics, backed by accountability, coupled with incentives or penalties drive the desired employee behaviors and change outcomes. Many companies like to point a finger at someone and say, you're accountable, but if there are no incentives or penalties, then who…
