From the course: Driving Measurable, Sustainable Change

The manager's role in driving measurable, sustainable change

From the course: Driving Measurable, Sustainable Change

The manager's role in driving measurable, sustainable change

- Trends, competition, technology, the industry is changing all the time. And it's likely that your organization is changing too. It could be a merger, acquisition, reorganization, new IT or CRM system, or even just some improvement projects. Or maybe, it's a transformation initiative. Whatever the change may be, you are now expected to make that change happen. And as a good manager, you want to be successful in this change implementation. Because it will impact you and your team. So, what do you do? How do you ensure that a change is sustainable? Well, I'm Dr. Richard Chua. And I've seen these changes happen across dozens of industries. I'm an author, business professor, and I've been a management consultant over the past 30 years. I've worked with CEOs, executives, managers and project leaders to implement change and achieve desired Change outcomes and sustainable results. It doesn't matter what industry you're in change impacts everyone. And change is not easy. So this course is designed for the lucky managers that inherit the change. Managers like you. We'll learn how to measure and affect change by establishing the right metrics and enablers to change mindsets and behaviors, and result successful sustainable change.
