From the course: Driving Measurable, Sustainable Change

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Encourage change: Align performance appraisals

Encourage change: Align performance appraisals

From the course: Driving Measurable, Sustainable Change

Encourage change: Align performance appraisals

- You're a project leader, but people aren't showing up to your project meetings, that's frustrating, right? But consider how they might be other factors, not just laziness, pulling them away. Those working on projects are often told by their department supervisors that they need to spend less time on the project and more time back at the department. They say, "I love working on this project, "but my boss says my first priority "needs to be my real job." Why is this happening? Because performance appraisals are done by the department supervisor, not by project leaders. This is also true for any change implementation. If a performance appraisals are not updated to reflect and reward for achieving the new change outcomes, then there is no incentive for individuals to change. Old existing mindsets and behaviors will still prevail. In fact, if someone asks you, "Why should I even bother changing the way I work?" You need to…
