From the course: Driving Measurable, Sustainable Change

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Enable change: Processes and systems

Enable change: Processes and systems

- How often have you, as a manager, been told that you and your team must achieve higher performance targets as a result of a change implementation? But are processes, your processes, really more capable as a result of the change implementation? Are they capable enough to achieve the higher expectations? Because the processes we use have to be capable of achieving the new goals. It very well might be that your process restricts you from meeting those targets. For example, you run a Formula 1 race car group. You just implemented some new best practices but if your drivers are using minivans, they simply cannot reach 200 miles per hour. A minivan cannot reach that speed. It isn't capable. So the minivan here is the process. I know it's an extreme example but it works here. Our minivan, or our process, is not capable of meeting the new targets. And then there's another problem. In many industries, including…
