From the course: Driving Measurable, Sustainable Change

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Empower change: Authority

Empower change: Authority

- How would you like to be responsible for things over which you have no control or authority? I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, but let's jump right into an example here. If you are a consultant for a major consulting firm, you are evaluated on a key metric called billability, which is the percentage of time that's billable to clients. Management holds you accountable for maintaining billability at 85% or higher. But we all know that billability is driven by sales. In other words, billability is driven by what was sold by sales executives or partners of the firm, not consultants. So even the best consultant can end up with zero billability if there are no sales. Consultants have no control over the billability metric. In many change implementations, this happens all too often. You're given more and more responsibilities, and you're held accountable for all of it. But your authority hasn't changed one bit. Honestly…
