From the course: Digital Accessibility for the Modern Workplace (with Audio Descriptions)

Accessibility at work

- [Narrator] A bearded man with glasses and a dark polo sweater stands in a white room with bookshelves and a fireplace. - The modern workplace is increasingly digital. This transformation is reaching a larger population than ever before. And it's not just the information worker. Today, work extends far beyond the office. And nearly every frontline worker uses technology on a daily basis. But this rapid change brings with it potential risk that could leave people without access, which is why it's so important to prioritize accessibility. My name is Hector Minto. I'm a senior technology evangelist at Microsoft. For the last 25 years, I've worked directly with people with disabilities, delivering inclusion through assistive technology. And as I've seen personally, and the data shows, organizations that embrace best practices for disability inclusion outperform their peers. - [Narrator] Quoted from Getting to Equal: The Disability Inclusion Advantage, Accenture, 2018. - That's why, in this course, I want to show you tools and techniques to help make your work and your workplace both more accessible and inclusive. - [Narrator] A montage displays different accessibility tools, including AI-generated descriptions, sign language interpretation, and alt text for images. - I'll share how people with disabilities can personalize modern workplace tools. I'll show you methods for productivity that help almost anyone, and explore the actions we can all take to build and deliver accessible experiences. I'll also give you quick tips for making your presentations, your emails, and your social media more accessible. Accessibility is an exciting field. It's a subject rich in innovation, in its use of AI, and it's all about maximizing human impact. By the end of this course, you'll be equipped with the tools and technology to implement accessible solutions in your workplace. (gentle music)
