From the course: DevOps Foundations: Continuous Delivery/Continuous Integration

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Integration testing in action

Integration testing in action

- [Instructor] Now that we have a deployed app, let's talk integration testing. While unit testing just operates on the application code integration testing is any kind of testing you do on the assembled program, or anything that exercises the dependencies, such as the database, the network, the file system, the web server, anything like that. Depending on the kind of application, this could just be exercising it at the command line, or exercising its API, often you'll have layers of integration testing as you assemble more parts together. Let's take a look at our sample application, the word cloud generator. I'm going to start it up here with a make run and it's set up to serve on port 8888. In a browser, I'll go to local host 8888. And let's give it a few words to make a word cloud. Here, I've pasted in, "Integration testing "is a really, really, really good way to do testing." Once I submit that, I get my word cloud. Now…
