From the course: DevOps Foundations

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Your personal DevOps journey

Your personal DevOps journey

From the course: DevOps Foundations

Your personal DevOps journey

- You've built a solid DevOps foundation here with us, and we're glad you trusted Ernest and I to be your guides. - For sure. Our goal was to expose you to the basics of understanding DevOps, and as you can see by how much ground we've covered, it's a huge domain with many subspecialties. - Okay, but what do you do now? Where do you go from here? - I do want to start by saying that experience is the best teacher, and remember that continuous learning using the third way of DevOps combines hands-on practice with frequent feedback loops. Wrestling with the tech yourself will teach you. - What you want to learn next depends on your target role and where you are now. Maybe you're already a techie of one type or another. Maybe you're new to tech and looking for a career in DevOps, or maybe you just want to know how to interact effectively with technical professionals. - [Ernest] I'd suggest devising a learning path for yourself, suited to your current skills and where you want to be. If…
