From the course: DevOps Foundations

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Your DevOps practice playbook

Your DevOps practice playbook

From the course: DevOps Foundations

Your DevOps practice playbook

- In agile, there are structured methodologies like scrum and extreme programming that provide a highly prescriptive playbook for implementing Agile in an organization. In DevOps, we don't have a strictly defined approach of that sort, but some common patterns have emerged to guide a DevOps implementation. We believe they boil down into five major practice areas, and we've organized the rest of the course around that. - The first is culture. Creating and maintaining a stable and safe environment where your people can learn, share, experiment, succeed, and even fail. This is the people part of DevOps that you've already seen reflected in our core values. - The second is process. Incorporating agile and lean product development and management techniques is the process foundation of DevOps. Specific practices like, working in small batches, limiting the amount of work in progress, incorporating feedback loops, and lightweight change approval processes have been shown to correlate…
