From the course: DevOps Foundations

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The role of QA in DevOps

The role of QA in DevOps

- Continuous delivery sounds too good to be true, James. Faster deploys, fewer bugs, less whip, less technical debt, developers and operations living together. What's the catch? - Well, you got me. There is a catch. All of this is a non-starter unless you address testing and the role of quality assurance in your pipeline. - That's right. Moving to automated testing as part of your pipeline is the only way to get CI and CD without massive problems. You can't deliver value or find issues quickly if you're not testing in each phase of your pipeline. And manual testing is slow and unreliable and it's best used only for final acceptance testing. Maybe. - That's not to say you don't need people experienced in QA. You just want them helping to design and write tests and working alongside the developers as part of the process. Let the computers do the clicking. - That's right. Let's talk about the types of testing to pay attention to in continuous delivery. - We'll start with the most…
