From the course: DevOps Foundations

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DevOps learning resources

DevOps learning resources

From the course: DevOps Foundations

DevOps learning resources

- Now we'll give you a lightning round of learning resources you can use to learn even more about DevOps. Don't worry, you don't need to write them all down or frantically screenshot us, unless you really want to, that is. Blue steel. - We provided a course handout that has all the resources we mentioned throughout the entire course. It's in the exercise files available under the Overview tab on the course page. Want in-depth information on these subjects? Well, they conceal information like that in books. Here's our top 10 DevOps book list. The first three, DevOps Handbook, Accelerate, and the Phoenix Project, are the best all around reads on DevOps. The next three are the canonical works on our practice areas like Continuous Delivery, the Site Reliability Engineering Book, and Infrastructure as Code. Release It! is a great developer side view, and The Practice of Cloud System Administration is an op upside primer on how to actually build resilient, scalable apps and systems. I'll…
