From the course: DevOps Foundations

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Communication and trust power DevOps

Communication and trust power DevOps

From the course: DevOps Foundations

Communication and trust power DevOps

- Communication and trust are a key part of a productive DevOps culture. - I've seen projects from application deployments to network upgrades to corporate acquisitions succeed or fail based on the quality of communication. Without building a culture of communication and trust, you'll find that attempts to implement specific technical practices will go wrong, sabotaged either deliberately because of competing goals, or inadvertently because of lack of understanding. - Most people would agree that communication's important, but how do we do it well? - Good communication requires more than just reminding people to write documentation or post in chat. - [James] Right, you want to be mindful of how to set up communication channels. If you intend information to flow to others, there should be a place and time you all agree on to communicate. - [Instructor] Have published standards. Here's the file repository all customer information will go into. Here's the chat channel all downtime…
