From the course: DevOps Foundations

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Automating infrastructure, containers, and platforms

Automating infrastructure, containers, and platforms

From the course: DevOps Foundations

Automating infrastructure, containers, and platforms

- Let's continue our survey of how DevOps has brought infrastructure-as-code to the domains of infrastructure provisioning, application deployment, and service orchestration. - The rise of cloud computing in the 2010s provided people with the ability to actually create servers, storage and network from code instead of just configuring the operating system on top of a manually installed device. - This made room for model driven provisioning, where a declarative model of your base systems can be used to create the systems. - [Presenter] Yeah, for example, Amazon Web Services has CloudFormation templates that you can use to define all kinds of cloud assets and then instantiate them automatically. Here you can see an example CloudFormation template indicating how it wants a server configured. You feed this into the cloud and it makes the server to the specification. - The appetite for even more sophisticated code solutions drove innovation. Custom infrastructure as code solutions like…
