From the course: Designing a Business Card

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The layout of a business card

The layout of a business card - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: Designing a Business Card

The layout of a business card

- In this movie I'll talk about three important aspects of laying out the content of your business card. Using a grid, establishing hierarchy, and using white space. Let's begin with the grid. Here I have a standard US size business card, three and a half by two inches. There's a bleed guide of 1/8 of an inch, as indicated by the red guide, and there is also a 1/8 of an inch margin. Here's how I like to set up my document. I'll come to Create Guides, and create a layout grid of 7 Rows with no Gutter, and 13 Columns with no Gutter, fitted to the Margins. That's gonna give me grid fields that are exactly square of a size of 1/4 inch. Here's my own business card using that same approach. It's European size, but the principle is the same. One common approach to logo placement on the business card is to square it off as indicated by the orange rectangle and place the logo in the extension area. And here's how it would look on a vertical card. Secondly hierarchy. There's no great mystique…
