From the course: Designing a Business Card

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The alignment of elements on a business card

The alignment of elements on a business card - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: Designing a Business Card

The alignment of elements on a business card

- Here are some simple points about the alignment of elements on your business card. Everything is connected to everything else, so nothing should be where it is randomly. Don't mix your alignments. This can create visual confusion. I'd say be wary of centering, and also be wary of right-alignment. Let's see what I mean. So firstly, everything should be connected to something else. Think about how things align to other things. And even if you want something to look random, there probably should be some method behind it. I won't say don't mix alignments, because you can always find an exception to the rule, but in general, I'd be wary of mixing alignments. It looks like you're being indecisive. Pick an alignment and stick with it. My preference is for left-alignment. We read left to right. The smooth edge on the left of the text grounds the text and the ragged with edge creates an interesting whitespace and lets that space flow to the edge of the card. Combining left with…
