From the course: Designing a Business Card

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Preparing the business card for print

Preparing the business card for print - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: Designing a Business Card

Preparing the business card for print

- So now the business card is finished. Time to prepare it for print. I'm going to give you a general overview here. Specifics may vary according to your print vendor, and you should speak to your print vendor. They may be able to provide you with a PDF preset which you can load by coming to Define and then choosing Load here, and then when you return to the PDF Preset menu you'll find their preset listed on that menu. You will also find instructions on various vendors' websites. So this is a general overview. The preset that I'm going to use is the [PDF/X-1a] preset and this is likely the basis for any preset that they may send you. I'll append the word "final" to that and then in here just a couple of things that I'd like to change from the basic preset and that is the Marks and Bleeds. I'd like to have the Crop Marks and the Bleed Marks, and I want to use the Document Bleed Settings. Just return to General. Let's make sure that we are viewing this after exporting and that we are…
