From the course: Designing a Business Card

Positioning the logo and text - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: Designing a Business Card

Positioning the logo and text

- Time now to place some content. I'm on the front side of the business card. File, Place. These are the two files I want. The text file and the logo. Logo is up first. I'm just gonna click and drag to roughly place that in position and then I'll just click to place the text. Before I go any further, I want to turn on two viewing options. The first is Show Hidden Characters so that I can see where my paragraph marks are, and the second is Proof Colors so that I can more accurately see the way the colors will print. With this text frame selected, if we come to Paragraph Styles, we see that everything is currently in the Normal paragraph style. This paragraph style inherited from the RTF document that I just placed. Even though I'm working with a very small amount of text, it's still gonna be preferable to control this text through paragraph styles. So, I'm actually going to just change the definition of what Normal is which sounds a bit more profound than what I'm actually doing. So, I'm gonna change the name of it and then I'm gonna change the font to Bernina Sans, Bernina Sans, Condensed Regular. I'm actually gonna go to Semibold. Semibold, and I want point size of eight and a leading of 10. Let me just point out that the type face I'm using is Bernina Sans Condensed. This is available on Adobe Typekit. And if you access to the Creative Cloud, then you have access to Typekit. So, we've got more information than is gonna fit on the front. We need to divide this information up and I want to take all of this from the physical address on down. I'm gonna cut that and then I'm just come and drag our text frame on the reverse side and paste that there. We'll get back to that later. So this is the information that we want on the front side. I'm gonna just fit the frame to the content here. Command Option C or Control Alt C. I'll also double-click on the right center handle. Now this information I want to divide in two pieces, the name and title, and the contact information. I'll duplicate that text frame, holding down the Option key, or Alt key, and dragging away from it and then we'll just chop it up into two pieces. Once again, let's fit the frame to the content. We'll position this over here. Now before we do the fine tuning on the position of this type, we need to set the scale and position of the logo. The logo, it's left edge. I would like positioned relative to the left margin, where it is, and then its baseline, I want to move that down, so that it sits on the line of the bottom of the second row. I'd like some more white space to its right. So, I'm going to have four grid squares of white space. Command, shift, click and drag to scale that down. Now, if you like the position of that, and I do, then just get a guide and move that to the left edge of the P. And that's gonna be my visual reference for where I position the type. I'll have one row of white space between these elements. And this second piece of type, I'm gonna position it so that its baseline is on the last but one row. So, that's how I want the content to be on the front side of the card. I originally thought I would have a picture to the left of the text. It didn't work out so well. So, I'm actually going to go with a field of color. I'll chose my Rectangle tool, and I'll change the properties of my rectangle so that we're working with a solid fill. And that fill color is PANTONE 187. And that color is on my swatches because it's in the place graphic. I'll click and drag my rectangle from bleed guide to bleed guide. And I'm gonna go halfway between the graphic and the text. I'll now come to the Object menu and send that to the back. Obviously having black text on a red background, that's not gonna work so well. So, I need to change the definition of my body style. I'll right click on it, or Control click on it, Edit, Character Color, and we'll make that Paper. Now that's also going to affect the text that is on the reverse side as well. So, there's the front side of the card. It needs some finessing but it's more or less the way I want it. In the next movie, we'll address the reverse side.
