From the course: Designing a Business Card

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Positioning the logo and text

Positioning the logo and text - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: Designing a Business Card

Positioning the logo and text

- So, with our document setup established, let's now place the text and let's determine the colors of our business card. The colors and ad type choices both are going to be suggested by the logo. Let's begin with the colors. I'll select the logo. Before I go any further, I'll just hide the guides for a moment. Cmd or ctrl, semicolon. I'll come to the swatches panel, click on New Color Group, and create a new color group from the selected artwork. There is my color group. Just to tidy things up, I'll choose Select All Unused and we'll delete everything else. Let's move that over to the left for a moment. Now, place the text. I could place it using this command, but I have the Word document open. I'll just go to that, copy it, back to Illustrator, and paste it. Some of this text will be cut and put on the backside of the card. But while I have everything as one text block, I may as well address all commonalities. I'm using two typefaces, HWT Artz or Hamilton Wood Type Artz, and Museo…
