From the course: Designing a Business Card

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Incorporating imagery

Incorporating imagery

- If you choose to use imagery on your business card then think about the cropping. The cropping is very important, especially in such a small space because we need to ensure that the image is as impactful as possible. So here the cropping is really not working, the image is very much receding into the background and there's too much space on either side of the flower. So let's make it bigger, and let's make the flower the focus of the image. Or I select it altogether from the background. Or partially I select it from its background. If you're placing an image within your margins or safe area, consider the way the white space frames the image. In this case, the amount of space, top, bottom, and on the right is uneven and it would work much better if that were equalized. Or, perhaps we can bleed the image off the edge of the page. Or even take that a step further and extend the background of the image so that integrates with the text.
