From the course: Designing a Business Card

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Finessing the type

Finessing the type

- In this step, I'd like to add in the social media icons. And I'd also like to do some typographic finessing. Let's begin with these social media icons. You can see this section here I just got the "T" the "FB" and the "G." These need to become Twitter icon, Facebook icon, Google Plus icon. And for this, I'm using a font called Social Icons Pro. And this is available on And I downloaded it from there. I've installed it, and now I want to use it. How do we know which icon is which character? Well, we can select the text and then use our Glyphs panel. So I come to Glyphs. Let's change the font here to Social Icons Pro. And there we see the icons that we have. And we can just double-click on them to insert the icon at the point of the cursor. Now it just so happens that the "T" was the Twitter icon. So I didn't need to do anything there. But let's now select the "FB". I've gotta feeling that I might get lucky with this one too. Nope, that's not the case. Double-click on…
