From the course: Designing a Business Card

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Finessing the text

Finessing the text

- We have very little text on our business card so we need to make sure that the very small amount of text that we do have is perfectly kerned and spaced and that we pay close attention to the small details. Some of those details are I'd like to add a bit of kerning in certain places. It looks to me like there's not enough space between the U and the H. To do this, I'm going to be using a shortcut. The shortcut is option right arrow or left arrow if we want to go tighter and when you do that, how much kerning you get is going to depend upon your preferences. So before I do anything, I'm going to come and set my Type preferences and make sure that this option here, it actually says Tracking but the same preference applies to kerning, is set to the lowest increment possible of 1/1000 of an em. So now with my cursor between the U and the H I'll just tap option alt and the right arrow to move the H and all the letters to right of the H further to the right. Secondly the numbers need a bit…
