From the course: Designing a Business Card

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Choosing paper

Choosing paper

- Business cards are tactile and paper is an important design element of your business card. There are several terms to describe the weight and thickness of the paper but ultimately they are abstract unless you work with paper every day. So be sure to check out samples of the paper that you intend to use. A business card should be substantial. A business card printed on flimsy paper is like a weak handshake. Your paper choice will in part be determined by the printing process you opt to use. If you're self-printing the paper needs to be compatible with your desktop printer. If you're using an online printing service, you'll be limited to the paper choices they offer. You can request a free sample pack from most providers. Consider how your paper, its weight and thickness, its color and texture, supports the message of your brand. Later we'll be looking at unusual business cards which might cause you to question whether your business card might be printed on something other than paper…
