From the course: Data Science and Analytics Career Paths and Certifications: First Steps

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Graduate student

Graduate student

- [Instructor] After accumulating some experience as a practitioner in industry you may start thinking about getting an advanced degree. There are substantial benefits in getting an advanced degree like a masters in data science. First, many of the Fortune 500 companies provide tuition assistance and you may want to take advantage of it. Second, you may qualify for a promotion or possibly get a much desired raise after getting your master's degree finished. With this in mind, I interviewed Jose who recently received his master's degree and is applying for a PhD program. Jose got his master's degree in data science at an institution outside the US, and he wants to continue his studies in Canada. While waiting for his acceptance letter for his PhD program, Jose also landed a full-time job as a machine learning specialist. I asked him what new perspectives he's developed since he started an industry job. Jose…
