From the course: Data Science and Analytics Career Paths and Certifications: First Steps

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Business analytics specialist

Business analytics specialist

- The word business, strongly implies a requirement for solid business knowledge and sense for this job. Therefore, whoever is aspiring to become a business analytics specialist must be both business and technology savvy. Business analytics specialists are those who make things happen under the overarching vision of the architect. In other words, they implement BI architectures, according to the direction and supervision of the BI architect. When a company can't afford to hire a BI architect, it needs to march on by solely relying on a business analytics specialist to obtain its BI. This also means that they cannot architect and build their own BI systems due to the lack of resources. Naturally, in this scenario, the business analytics specialist has no other choice but to depend on, off the shelf, solve products offering business analytics capabilities. Luckily for these smaller companies, with less resources, the…
