From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Using data to inform business decisions

Using data to inform business decisions

From the course: Data Analytics for Students

Using data to inform business decisions

- [Instructor] Finally, the last step in this framework is to interpret your analysis. This can help you build a strategic plan to solve your business problem. Sometimes, the call to action is very clear cut, but other times, these insights might raise further questions and require deeper analysis. If your analysis is inconclusive, then you may want to consider broadening your analysis. Identifying trends that span multiple data sources are quite a bit more complex than studying one data source at a time. This requires you to create a data model or a blueprint for how you'll combine these data sources together. Trust me though, this extra bit of work is very much worth the effort. You need to think of data informed decision making as an iterative process. Once you define your problem, conduct your initial analysis, and come up with an initial plan, you need to continue to track your progress. I like to break up my…
