From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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The value of data visualization

The value of data visualization

From the course: Data Analytics for Students

The value of data visualization

- [Instructor] There is a huge amount of data created every day. There is so much data that some companies entire business model is built around selling data. So great. We have data, but this creates a new problem. How do you synthesize this mind boggling volume of data? One really effective way is through data visualization. Now the term is somewhat self-explanatory. Data visualization is the presentation of quantitative information in a graphical form. In my consulting practice, I work with a lot of C-suite executives, and they don't have the time or inclination to go line by line through every row of data within their organization. They hire me to come in to digest these data sources into a reporting infrastructure. Data visualization is the key to turning raw data into reports that drive decisions. I often say that I essentially make picture books for adults. It's a cute way of explaining my work as a data…
