From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Psychographic data

Psychographic data

- [Narrator] Understanding how your customers or potential customers feel about your products can be a tough thing to measure. I'd say the best way to do this is through a survey. You can put together a customer feedback survey that asks questions about the key functions or features of your offering. This gives you an opportunity to step into the shoes of your customers and really empathize with their experience. A survey is by no means a perfect tool. There can be a major difference between self-reported behavior and actual consumer behavior. So don't take survey results as gospel. Use it as a tool to uncover insights, but make sure you balance these insights with your better judgment. Interestingly enough, you could also see social media as a form of psychographic data as well. Just think about it. The role of social media is to communicate with others. If your product has any form of a social media presence and is…
