From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Marketing data

Marketing data

- [Instructor] Marketing data is a great resource to help you solve your business problems. What's so great about marketing data is that you can essentially put feelers out into the marketplace and quickly assess where your message product or service is resonating. One tactical approach to getting this feel for the market is to run an A/B split test. Sending out two versions of your marketing copy to the same audience, to see what resonates. Then if one message has a much higher impact, double down on that effective approach. Now there are three different types of marketing data that you should know about. Website data, social media data, and lead generation. A lot of people don't see the link between marketing and a website, but I'd argue that your website is your most valuable marketing tool. If you install Google Analytics then you can track how potential customers are interacting with your website, which can give you a…
