From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Identify the key performance indicators

Identify the key performance indicators

From the course: Data Analytics for Students

Identify the key performance indicators

- [Instructor] KPIs are the metrics or data points that you can use to define success. Once you've defined your problem, then it's time to set your goals. These goals need to be quantifiable, so it's necessary to use quantitative data points as these key metrics. Think metrics related to amounts and not quality. Let's walk through an interesting example. You can actually quantify the quality of your product. Now I know that might sound a bit confusing, so allow me to elaborate. What you can do is put together a survey, and send it out to your customers. In the survey you can ask your customers to rate your product or dimensions of your product on a scale from one to five, thus collecting a feedback rating. A feedback rating is a solid KPI that is in fact quantifiable. Taking a look at this data, you can very quickly assess the overall quality of your products. If it's below your liking, then it's time to roll up…
