From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Data modeling

Data modeling

- [Instructor] Your organization has the potential to collect a ton of different types of data, but getting your data governance in place and collecting all the right data is only the first step in conducting effective analysis. Once you have a rich set of data coming through multiple data sources, then it's time to create a data model. Simply put, a data model is the blueprint of how all your data is related. There may be a sales trend that is causing some strain on your supply chain. If you create an effective data model then you'll be able to spot this problem, and take action before it has a huge impact on your organization. To combine data sources together, you need to fall a common key, which is a data point that exists on both sets of data. Once you identify this common point, you can then create a relationship between these two data sources, and there are three different kinds of relationships. First, we have…
